Position Announcement

Boat Launch Steward Coordinator (part-time, temporary)

Boat launch steward 1 cropped.jpeg

The Lewis Creek Association (LCA), is a non-profit conservation organization that does sustainability and conservation work in the towns of the middle Lake Champlain Valley. LCA is seeking a qualified individual to provide part-time coordination and oversight for our boat launch steward program, which provides education and outreach to the recreational users of Bristol Pond and Monkton Pond from June to August 2025. The boat launch steward project coordinator’s primary responsibility will be overseeing and supporting the boat launch stewards, who are interacting with recreational boaters, anglers, and the general public to educate them about aquatic invasive species threats to the watershed and the proper cleaning methods for their recreational equipment. The boat launch steward program coordinator will assist with hiring the stewards, coordinating special use permits with the state for the project, attending state Greeter program training and coordinating training for stewards, and reviewing survey data and unknown plant samples collected by the stewards. At the end of the season, the project coordinator will draft a report that summarizes the boat launch steward program results, and will coordinate with LCA’s Program Manager to finalize the report and present results at a public meeting. 

Position Overview

Status: part-time, temporary seasonal employee, average 7 hrs/wk (variable depending on season, 157 hours total)
Compensation: $22 per hour
Hire Timeline: Applications no later than March 15; boat launch steward program coordinator position runs from April to the end of August, with some flexibility; data summary and final reporting may continue into the fall of 2025.

Position Description

Bristol Pond and Monkton Pond are ecologically diverse ponds that are popular with anglers, recreational boaters, and wildlife enthusiasts. Currently there are three known aquatic invasive species within Bristol Pond: Eurasian Watermilfoil, European Frogbit, and Brittle Naiad, and three aquatic invasive species at Monkton Pond: Banded Mystery Snails, Eurasian Watermilfoil, and Curly-leaf Pondweed. The boat launch steward coordinator will help LCA and our partners prevent aquatic invasive species from infesting other waterbodies in the State and will prevent other aquatic invasive species from being introduced to Bristol Pond and Monkton Pond by educating boaters and the community about invasive species threats and spread prevention techniques. Supervised by the LCA Program Manager, primary duties of the boat launch steward coordinator include:

  • Attend state Greeter program coordinator training

  • Assist with hiring two boat launch stewards

  • Confirm that stewards attend state Greeter program training so they can adequately educate anglers and boaters about aquatic invasive species and how to clean their equipment

  • Ensure that boat launch stewards have the proper supplies

  • Coordinate schedules with the stewards, to ensure full coverage at the boat launches

  • Ensure the boat launch stewards are completing their duties effectively (provide periodic check-ins with the stewards during their shifts) including: inspecting watercraft before and after entering the water, spreading the message of Clean, Drain, Dry to the public, and removing and documenting any organic material on watercrafts 

  • Ensure that boat launch stewards enter their field data correctly and in a timely manner

  • Review and analyze the field data collected by the boat launch stewards

  • Help draft outreach materials including press releases, social media posts, as well as a final report that summarizes the boat launch steward program results and next steps

The coordinator will be trained via the state Greeter program coordinator training, and the coordinator must be able to attend this training. Funding for this position is dependent on LCA receiving a contract from the grantor in a timely manner; delays to the start date may occur if a contract is late in arriving.


Qualified candidates are: well-organized, with an ability to supervise others, including managing schedules, communicating duties and managing conflicts; able to communicate effectively in person; capable of performing duties independently and as directed by a supervisor; able to work outdoors in all weather conditions; and attentive to detail. Experience working with the public and/or supervising others is a plus, but not absolutely necessary. A successful candidate will, minimally, have knowledge of natural resources, biology, environmental science, or a related field. The ideal candidate will have a knowledge of angling, fisheries, aquatic ecosystems, and invasive and native species. The boat launch steward coordinator must have a reliable cell phone and provide their own transportation to oversee the stewards at Bristol Pond and Monkton Pond. The candidate is expected to work a total of 157 hours over the course of the project, and should be available to oversee the stewards on occasional Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (at Bristol or Monkton Pond), including sometimes on holidays. The boat launch steward coordinator position runs from April to the end of August, with some flexibility; data summary and final reporting may continue into the fall of 2025.

About LCA

LCA is a non-profit conservation organization that does sustainability and conservation work in the towns of the middle Lake Champlain Valley. LCA works primarily within the watershed boundaries of the LaPlatte River, Thorp Brook, Kimball Brook, Holmes Brook, McCabe’s Brook, and Lewis Creek to service the watershed towns of Charlotte, Ferrisburg, Hinesburg, Monkton, Shelburne, and Starksboro. We work with towns, governments, and citizens to conserve Vermont’s important landscapes and natural resources. We rely on active citizens and volunteers to collect data, make informed decisions, and implement positive change. See our website: lewiscreek.org for more information.

How to Apply

Submit a cover letter explaining your interest and specific qualifications (specifically detailing your past experience with public outreach and education, and supervising others), plus a resume and contact information for three professional references as PDF documents to Kate Kelly, LCA Program Manager at kate@lewiscreek.org. Applications accepted on a rolling basis through March 15, 2025. Please type the position title “Boat Launch Steward Coordinator” and your last name in the subject line.

A PDF of the job announcement can be found here.