Non-native invasive plant species have long threatened the health of ecosystems, wildlife habitat, and populations of native plants in the Lewis Creek watershed.
Fifth summer of Lewis Creek Association’s Boat Launch Steward Program at Bristol & Monkton Ponds
Controlling Stormwater Runoff: Walking in and talking about a Hinesburg neighborhood and water quality issues
Working in the Watershed: Wrapping up the 2024 water quality stewardship field season
Volunteers Plant Trees and Shrubs along Lewis Creek in Hinesburg
Water Quality & Amphibian Workshop held in the LaPlatte River Nature Park in Shelburne
Wetland Restoration in Hinesburg Nearing Completion
Lewis Creek Association Completes Strategic Plan
Lewis Creek Association Develops Projects in Lewis Creek Watershed
Lewis Creek Association Makes Plan to Restore McCabe’s Brook
Lewis Creek Association and Partners Release New Stormwater Guidance Manual for Landowners
Watershed partners are hosting a stakeholder meeting for the Watershed Action Plan for Lake Iroquois and the Patrick Brook Watershed on April 9th, 2024 from 10:00am-12:00pm EST
Lewis Creek Association to Combat Japanese Knotweed in Watershed
Now Hiring: Strategic Planning Consultant
Got Knotweed?
ACRPC and Lewis Creek Association Complete Work to Reduce Flooding Risk & Improve Water Quality in Starksboro
Learn about the recent work completed by LCA and Addison County Regional Planning Commission to remove old bridge abutments and concrete that were blocking Hollow Brook (a tributary to Lewis Creek), and were causing increased flooding risk to the nearby manufactured housing community. It is thrilling to see this project completed!