LCA Board President, Andrea Morgante, and David Berg of Verterra Nursery demonstrate the best method for planting a tree along Lewis Creek in Hinesburg. Photo credit: Kate Kelly
On the beautiful fall morning of Saturday, October 19, 2024, about ten local residents including Hinesburg Conservation Commission members joined Lewis Creek Association (LCA) for a tree planting along Lewis Creek in Hinesburg. Approximately 175 stems, a mixture of native trees and shrubs, were planted mostly by volunteers, alongside staff from LCA and Verterra Tree & Shrub Nursery (Hinesburg). This riparian buffer planting will help improve water quality and provide wildlife habitat along Lewis Creek. Additional trees and shrubs will be planted later in November to complete the project, so stay tuned for another opportunity to join us along the creek! It is important that all of our waterways, even streams that dry up at some point during the year, have a woody buffer on them; you can help on your own property by planting native woody trees and shrubs next to streams and lakes. LCA would like to acknowledge Verterra for growing and providing the plants, and Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s Woody Buffer Block Grant through Watersheds United Vermont for providing funding for this riparian buffer planting.
Trees and shrubs planted on October 19, 2024 will provide a woody buffer along Lewis Creek in Hinesburg, shading the stream to improve fish habitat, and providing fruit and shelter for wildlife, including birds and mammals. Photo credit: Kate Kelly
If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering for tree planting, please reach out to Kate Kelly, LCA Program Manager, at and/or Sara Lovitz, Program Assistant at