Water Quality & Amphibian Workshop held in the LaPlatte River Nature Park in Shelburne

Adult Green Frog, one of six species of amphibians found by the group on our walk in the LaPlatte River Nature Park in Shelburne.

On Saturday, September 7, 2024, about fifteen local residents and town staff joined Lewis Creek Association (LCA) for a part-day workshop in the Marsett Road neighborhood and the LaPlatte River Nature Park in Shelburne with herpetologist Jim Andrews and LCA Program Manager Kate Kelly. The attendees were interested in learning more about the amphibians, reptiles, and other animals that depend on clean water in the LaPlatte River Nature Park and how their actions at home can help reduce flooding and impact water quality in the LaPlatte River and downstream Lake Champlain.

The rain held off just long enough for us to walk through the neighborhood discussing water quality and following stormwater runoff along the roads, pipes, and across lawns, and to find six species of amphibians (and other animals) in the LaPlatte River Nature Park that use this critically important and unique habitat!

Missed the workshop? No problem! You can join us virtually through the video recording on LCA’s YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/water-quality-amphibians. Want to take action on your own property? Check out our new Ahead of the Storm Guidance Manual available on our website at https://bit.ly/aots-guide

Workshop attendees walking down the LaPlatte River Nature Park trail to the LaPlatte River and nearby vernal pool. Photo credit: Sara Lovitz

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kate Kelly, LCA Program Manager, at kate@lewiscreek.org and/or Sara Lovitz, Program Assistant at sara@lewiscreek.org 

This project was funded by the Watersheds United Vermont Education and Outreach Grant.
