The Resource Library contains publications, reports, and maps created by LCA and its partners. These resources are available for town and public use.

LCA Organization Documents | Ahead of the Storm | River Corridors |

Water Quality & Stormwater Reports | Wildlife & Habitat | Invasive Species |

Partner Publications | Glossary

LCA Organization Documents

Ahead of the Storm (AOTS)

Ahead of the Storm (AOTS) grew out of a group of citizens from Charlotte, Hinesburg, and Shelburne who were concerned about the serious decline of Lake Champlain’s health and water quality. Stormwater runoff from driveways, fields, parking areas, and lawns is a major factor in the deterioration of our water quality. AOTS helps communities change the way stormwater is managed on properties to reduce water pollution and be more prepared for extreme weather events and impacts of climate change. Fifteen municipal, commercial, and private properties have been selected to become demonstration sites to showcase more optimal conservation practices in a variety of landscape settings.

How To Manage Stormwater To Promote Healthier Watersheds - An Ahead of the Storm Guide

Ahead of the Storm Overview Page with current projects

ahead of the storm Story Map

ahead of the storm introduction packet

Ahead of the Storm Project Sites

AOTS Sites SUMMARY Packets

AOTS Sites abbreviated summaries (2 pages)

AOTS Self-guided tours

AOTS Survey

AOTS Education Materials: Background on water quality (also see water quality videos), AOTs, how to assess a site, and begin site design

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Geomorphic Assessments and River Corridor Planning

The references below contain Vermont stream geomorphic assessment data that describes channel characteristics and sensitivity to change - how likely excessive channel erosion or deposition, or a sudden change in flow path, will take place during a flood. River corridor plans have also been prepared that interpret the geomorphic data and identify priority projects.

Phase 1 & 2 Geomorphic Assessment Report:  Direct Drain to Lake Champlain in Shelburne and Charlotte

Prepared for Lewis Creek Association by Lisa Godfrey and funded by VT Agency of Natural Resources Clean and Clear Grant, Shelburne and Charlotte, VT. 2008.

Phase 2 Geomorphic Assessment of the Laplatte River: Hinesburg Reaches

LaPlatte Watershed Partnership, funded by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources through a Vermont Watershed Grant 2004, Hinesburg, Vermont. 2006.

Phase 2 Stream Geomorphic Assessments of the Lower Laplatte River & Mccabe’s Brook

LaPlatte Watershed Partnership, with Town of Shelburne Special Environmental Project funding, Shelburne and Charlotte, Vermont. 2007. Contact us for appendices.

Stream Corridor Plan, Laplatte River and Tributaries, Town of Hinesburg, Vermont

LaPlatte Watershed Partnership, funded by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources through a Clean and Clear grant, Hinesburg, Vermont. 2007.

Laplatte River Corridor Plan, Reaches M6–M11, Towns of Charlotte and Shelburne, Vermont

Prepared for Lewis Creek Association and LaPlatte Watershed Partnership by Lisa Godfrey. Funded by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources through a Clean and Clear grant, Charlotte and Shelburne, Vermont. 2008.

Phase 2 Geomorphic Assessment and Corridor Planning - Mccabe's Brook Watershed

Prepared for the LaPlatte Watershed Partnership/Lewis Creek Association by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Charlotte and Shelburne, VT. Funded by the Lake Champlain Basin Program. 2012.

Lewis Creek Corridor Conservation & Management Plan

Prepared for Lewis Creek Association by Kristen Underwood and funded by State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water Quality. River corridor and channel conditions and recommended management options by river reach. 2010. View appendices here.

pond brook stream corridor and water quality management plan

A Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the Pond Brook tributary of the Lewis Creek watershed by South Mountain Research & Consulting based on assessments completed in 2012. This plan outlines the best opportunities for controlling the transport and delivery of fine sediments, nutrients and pathogens within the watershed. 2012.

stream corridor and water Quality Planning on Thorp and Kimball Brooks

Flow monitoring and hotspot identification to create a template for reducing water quality impacts associated with direct drainages to Lake Champlain.  Past water quality data were analyzed and a monitoring plan was created. Prepared for the Lewis Creek Association by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Charlotte and Ferrisburgh, VT. 2010.

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Water Quality and Stormwater Reports

The following references contain water quality data from a volunteer program that takes place in the LaPlatte River watershed and direct-to-lake drainages that illustrates changes in the concentration of nutrients, sediment, and other water quality parameters between sites and over time. 

LCA-South Chittenden River Watch Scorecard Map

This interactive online map builds on an earlier map (see below LaPlatte River Water Quality Scorecard Map) that summarizes the water quality conditions (2003-2015) of the LaPlatte, McCabe's, Thorp, and Kimball watersheds. This online map includes those water quality conditions, along with many other layers useful to planners and Conservation Commissions. The three products include the Story Map, Interactive Map, and Dashboard. View a brief introduction to the products here. Created in 2021 with the help of CCRPC, and funding from the towns of Charlotte and Shelburne through the Water Quality Stewardship Program.

water quality videos 2020 to present

We must be “all in” to help improve our local water quality, and that of Lake Champlain. Learn more about Vermont’s land use history, and in particular, that of the LaPlatte River watershed, its connections to water quality, and the work that Lewis Creek Association's South Chittenden River Watch volunteers do to monitor water quality in the middle Lake Champlain Basin. Learn about the work LCA does to improve water quality, and what you can do to improve water quality in your own town or property.

local water quality matters 2019

Learn more about local water quality conditions, and how to address stormwater runoff on your land and local roads, using the Ahead of the Storm approach. Maps of local water quality conditions and road erosion.

WATER QUALITY SUMMARY REPORTS (LAPLATTE river & Direct-to-lake drainages)

Prepared by South Chittenden River Watch, Shelburne, Charlotte, and Hinesburg, VT

2021 and Later Report (story map): this story map covers all water quality data from LaPlatte, McCabe’s, Thorp, Kimball, and Lewis Creek, from 2021 and later

2019 Report

2018 Report

2017 Report

2016 Report

2004-2007 Report Prepared by LaPlatte Watershed Partnership. 2008.

2004 Report Prepared by LaPlatte Watershed Partnership and Champlain Water District. 2005.

Water Quality in the Laplatte River

2017 Summary

2016 Summary

2014-2015 Summary

Water Quality in McCabe’s Brook

2017 Summary

2016 Summary

2014-2015 Summary

Water Quality in thorp and Kimball Brooks

2017 Summary

2016 Summary

2013-2015 Summary

2013 Summary (including Holmes Brook)

Water Quality in Lewis Creek

2021 & Later Report (story map): beginning in 2021, LCA began monitoring Lewis Creek, and data from 2021 and after are found in this story map.

Water Quality in the Lewis Creek Watershed, A Review of Monitoring Data: 1992-2008.

And see Addison County River Watch Collaborative link below:

Addison county river watch collaborative (ACRWC) materials and reports

Addison County River Watch Collaborative monitors several rivers in Addison County, including Lewis Creek, Otter Creek, Middlebury River, New Haven River, Little Otter Creek, and the Lemon Fair River. This link includes access to water quality reports for these rivers.

LaPlatte River Water Quality Scorecard Map

This mapping project summarizes the water quality conditions (2003-2015) of the LaPlatte, McCabe's, Thorp, and Kimball watersheds. It also includes an annotated bibliography and Project Implementation Tables for Shelburne, Charlotte and Hinesburg.

Surface water quality conditions and ahead of the Storm (AOTS) project locations

Memo describing scorecard map data sources

Hinesburg village landowner outreach and concept design

This project investigated a sub-watershed of Hinesburg that has reduced geomorphic and habitat condition and water quality. We held landowner discussions to determine willingness to participate in placing a treatment on their property, and developed a concept design for one project (wetland restoration behind the United Church). 2020.

Hinesburg Village Management Alternatives

An initial alternatives analysis to identify possible stormwater treatment actions in Hinesburg Village to minimize impacts to receiving waters. Prepared for the LaPlatte Watershed Partnership/Lewis Creek Association by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Hinesburg, VT. 2010.

Laplatte River Watershed Stormwater Infrastructure Study

Mapping of stormwater infrastructure and computation of approximate stormwater runoff volumes in Shelburne, Charlotte, and Hinesburg.  The results were considered in conjunction with past geomorphic and water quality data.  Possible stormwater treatment areas were identified to proactively treat runoff and try and prevent impairment of receiving waters. Prepared for the LaPlatte Watershed Partnership/Lewis Creek Association by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Chittenden County, VT. 2010.

Growth Area Existing Conditions Hydrology Study, hinesburg

Baseline hydrologic modeling of existing conditions in the Village Growth Area and potential full buildout scenario to identify runoff rates and volumes, and suppurt implementation of future low-impact design.  A conceptual design for a rain garden at Silver Street was prepared as part of this project that has since been implemented. Prepared for the Town of Hinesburg by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Hinesburg, VT. 2012.

Shelburne Stormwater Mitigation Best Management Practice (BMP) report and memo

Created an assessment to assist with decision-making for maintaining grass swales or for converting to storm drain pipes.  Prepared a concept design for a runoff mitigation project on Brook Lane, as well as standard details for runoff treatment practices associated with stormwater swales. Prepared for the LaPlatte Watershed Partnership/Lewis Creek Association by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Shelburne, VT. 2013.

Planning/Prioritization for Stormwater Projects in the McCabe’s Brook Watershed

Reviewed project suggestions from the previous McCabe’s Brook studies, where there are documented stormwater/stream corridor erosion pollution problems. Potential new projects were identified by project partners, identified in the geomorphic assessment and corridor plan, with mapping review, and during site visits.  Over 30 projects were prioritized for design and implementation work. Three projects were then progressed to 30% design phase, and some additional projects were scoped to make future design work easier. Prepared for LCA by SLR, Shelburne & Charlotte, VT. 2023.

Feasibility Study: Opportunities to Manage Transportation-Related Stormwater Runoff

An alternatives analysis to identify stormwater treatment alternatives in Hinesburg to support growth and collect runoff from the road network.  A concept design was prepared at the Hinesburg Community School to condition runoff prior to entering the LaPlatte River. Prepared for the Town of Hinesburg by VHB and Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Hinesburg, VT. 2015.

lewis creek priority bridges and culverts for replacement & retrofit

Appendix l of Priority Structures for Replacement / Retrofit. Prepared by South Mountain Research & Consulting. 2010.

Vermont 116 Culvert upgrade recommendations 


     Starksboro recommendations

     Hinesburg recommendations

LCA and ACRPC gathered existing or new culvert data to evaluate geomorphic compatiblity (i.e. how well a culvert matches the stream), aquatic organism passage (i.e., can fish and other species get through the culvert), capacity, and safety.  Lists of culvert improvement projects were created for the watershed and along Vermont Route 116. Prepared for the Chittenden and Addison County Regional Planning Commissions by Milone & MacBroom, Inc., Hinesburg, VT. 2012.

Lewis creek flood hazard mitigation study

Analysis to reduce flooding, erosion, and property damage in the Starksboro Ireland Road, Vermont Route 116, and Hillsboro Road. Prepared for Addison County Regional Planning Commission by SLR International Corporation. Starksboro, VT. 2024.

quinlan bridge flood risk and erosion study

Analysis to reduce flooding and erosion risks at the Quinlan Bridge at Spear Street and reconnect the channel to historic floodplains. Prepared for LCA by Milone & MacBroom, Inc. Charlotte, VT. 2010.

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Wildlife and Habitat

Animal Tracking Cards

We are thrilled to announce that our animal tracking cards have been updated and are now available for sale! They are also available at local libraries to check out. The drawings are life-sized and printed on waterproof paper so you can lay the cards on the ground next to the tracks you’re trying to identify, for comparison. To purchase a set, click here.

Carbon Reserve Project

As a part of LCA’s Ahead of the Storm program, we hope to encourage an innovative forest conservation action plan to more rapidly increase the rate of forest land conservation and carbon reserves in the middle Lake Champlain Valley. Review draft materials, the Harvard Forest study report this is based on, David Brynn’s recent presentation to our board, and additional resources here.

Lewis creek cold water species Refugia Locations

This report, funded by a Vermont Watershed Grant, describes important refugia locations for conservation or restoration in order to support Brook Trout and other cold water species populations in the Lewis Creek watershed. Prepared for LCA by Milone & MacBroom, 2020.

Dancing with Mayflies: Life in Winter Streams Film

Join Vermont Master Naturalist Alicia Daniel, St. Michael’s biologist Declan McCabe, and Lewis Creek Association founder Andrea Morgante as they explore a stretch of Lewis Creek and discuss the creek’s wildlife, ecology, conservation history, recent flooding and more. Return with them to the lab to get a close look at the macroinvertebrates that Declan fished out of the cold December creek, including mayflies, midges, caddisflies, crayfish, and stoneflies. (Vermont Master Naturalist, January 13, 2025)

Contiguous Habitat Map

This map depicts Landscape Level Identification of Contiguous Wildlife Habitat and Connecting Corridors. This map is one of three map components in the Conservation Priority Plan for the Lewis Creek watershed. This map was prepared by VT FWD and is a case study in "Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage, A Guide to Community-Based Planning for the Conservation of Vermont's Fish, Wildlife, and Biological Diversity" (VT FWD/VT ANR, 2004).

contiguous habitat report

This VT FWD report explains the landscape level planning map depicting Contiguous Wildlife Habitat in the Lewis Creek, Little Otter and LaPlatte River Watershed Region. This map is one of three map components in the Conservation Priority Plan for the Lewis Creek watershed. This map was prepared by VT FWD for LCA and is a case study in "Conserving Vermont's Natural Heritage, A Guide to Community-Based Planning for the Conservation of Vermont's Fish, Wildlife, and Biological Diversity" (VT FWD/VT ANR, 2004).

ecological analysis of lewis creek watershed

Ecological Conservation Analysis of the Lewis Creek Watershed, Addison and Chittenden Counties, Vermont. This report informed LCA's Conservation Priority Plan project development. 2003.

lewis creek watershed aquatic natural communities

Overview of Aquatic Natural Communities Occurrences in the Lewis Creek Watershed. 2012.

lewis creek watershed aquatic natural communities map

Overview of the Lewis Creek watersheds seven natural community types that are characterized by distinct fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages, water temperature and channel size and gradient. Prepared by VT ANR. 2011.

lewis creek temperature monitoring study

This study, funded by a Watershed Grant, collected baseline data on thermal trends in the Lewis Creek watershed, and helped create interpretive maps alongside other data to identify constraints to passage, spawning and rearing of various fish species on the main stem and major tributaries of Lewis Creek. 2012.

lewis creek watershed ecosystem classification map

This map depicts the three combined map components that make up the comprehensive landscape level conservation plan for the Lewis Creek watershed. Prepared by Marc Lapin and Brett Engstrom. 2002.

lewis creek watershed forested areas map

This map of the Lewis Creek watershed is a base map that informed the delineation of the significant landform component map. Prepared by Marc Lapin and Brett Engstrom. 2003.

Monkton Wildlife Crossing

Vermont's first wildlife crossing tunnels in Monkton allow thousands of salamanders and frogs to safely make their critical annual journey to and from their breeding pools. Work completed by LCA, Town of Monkton, State and Federal Partners. 2006-2016.

Scott Pond dam Salmon Jump Pool Improvement

This project helped Lake Champlain Steelhead and Atlantic Salmon get to their native spawning grounds on Lewis Creek in Charlotte, VT. 2014.

habitat connectivity culvert replacement project, spear street, charlotte

Culvert was replaced to improve habitat connectivity and allow aquatic organism passage. Completed by LCA in partnership with the Town of Charlotte and US Fish & Wildlife. 2011.

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Invasive Species

Partner Publications

act 64

An act relating to improving the quality of State waters. Draft Bill Template. 2015.

act 76

An act relating to the provision of water quality services. 2019.

Clean Water commitment videos

A series of videos created by the Lake Champlain Basin Program exploring why phosphorus is a problem, what the TMDL is, and how people working on the landscape across the Lake Champlain Basin are helping to achieve the goals of the Lake Champlain phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). LCA’s Ahead of the Storm program is featured in the Watershed Groups video.

COVID Recovery Vision

This document, initiated by The Nature Conservancy, explains how we can rebuild a resilient Vermont post-COVID.

Don’t Flush It!

This campaign by Green Mountain Water Environment Association informs Vermont households about how to reduce their outputs of ecosystem-damaging chemicals/materials and how to dispose of them properly.

CLOGGERS!" is a guide to knowing what NOT to flush, pour, or spill into your private septic tank or municipal sewer system -- fats, oils, greases, and various paper and plastic materials that clog pipes and impair system performance.

DRUGS!" details the harmful impacts on both human and ecosystem health of flushing or pouring out medications of any kind, and provides advice for safe disposal. It also notes the risks of personal care products and suggests ways people can minimize their water pollution impact.

LAWN & GARDEN POISONS!” suggests easy ways Vermonters can cut their use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers that run off into waterways and cause environmental damage (and endanger human health).

"HOUSE & GARAGE HAZARDS!" cautions Vermonters about typical household substances such as cleansers, polishes, paints, and solvents, as well as auto products like gasoline, oil, antifreeze, and wax. All will ruin septic systems and sewer facilities if poured or flushed, and will poison surface waters and wells if spilled in  driveways, soil, or storm drains. The brochure offers recipes for safe, effective, homemade cleansers and disinfectants, and provides comprehensive disposal options.

July 2024 flooding along the lewis creek in starksboro: strategies for building back better

This Feb. 2025 presentation by Kristen Underwood shares monitoring data that characterize the magnitude of the July event, reviews the geologic and land use conditions that led to flooding vulnerabilities, and illustrates how floodwater access to conserved floodplains helped to dissipate the energy of this flood and reduce downstream impacts.  It also reviews various mitigation strategies that can be chosen to avoid or lessen damages in future floods including examples from within and outside of the Lewis Creek watershed. The slides can be viewed/downloaded here.

Laplatte headwaters town forest Floodplain restoration

Two presentations on floodplain restoration research at the LaPlatte Headwaters Town Forest in Hinesburg. This presentation by Ethan Tapper, Chittenden County Forester, given at a LCA board meeting in Jan. 2021, is an overview of efforts at both Town Forests, and this presentation goes into more depth into the experimental methods being used at this site to restore floodplains.

living in harmony with streams: a citizen’s handbook to how streams work

A guide meant to help Vermont’s stressed stream and river systems recover more quickly by engaging communities in improving the health of Vermont’s rivers. Many useful resources listed Appendix C. 2016.

state of the lake report

The Lake Champlain Basin Program periodically publishes the State of the Lake report to update the public and policy makers on the condition of the Lake and its watershed. This online version presents the content of the print edition in its entirety, as well as supplemental material and additional French translation.

Stormwater General Permit 3-9050

Vermont Agency of Natural Resources issued General Permit 3-9050 in 2020. General Permit 3-9050 is a permit for stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, and is also known as the “Three-Acre General Permit.” It is an important component of the Vermont Clean Water Act of 2015 (Act 64) and is designed to assist in the implementation of clean-up efforts in Lake Champlain, Lake Memphremagog, and stormwater-impaired waters, while also protecting high quality surface waters statewide. 

tactical basin plan (includes laplatte river and direct drainages)

Northern Lake Champlain direct drainages Tactical Basin Plan. Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. Updated December 2024.

Otter Creek tactical basin plan (includes lewis creek)

Otter Creek Tactical Basin Plan. Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. December 2019.

Vermont guide to stormwater management for homeowners and small businesses

This guide provides homeowners and small business owners ways to improve and protect water quality and manage stormwater runoff at its source. Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 2018.

Vermont Rain Garden Manual

This manual clarifies the installation process of rain gardens, demonstrates how they are cost-effective stormwater management tools, and illustrates how they can be incorporated into a variety of landscapes. Updated by Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension. 2021.

Vermont Stream Crossing Handbook

A handbook to increase awareness of the values of well-designed stream crossings and provide the basic information necessary for people to evaluate existing crossings. Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife. 2016.

VERMONT STREAM Geomorphic assessment handbooks

PHASE 1 Protocol

Phase 2 protocol

phase 3 protocol

Protocols developed by the State of Vermont for gathering scientifically sound information about stream channels and riparian corridors that can be used for watershed planning and detailed evaluations of aquatic habitat, erosion, and flood hazards. Produced by the River Management Program of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.

VERMONT 303(d) list of impaired waters

Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. July 25, 2022.

Vermont Stressed Rivers list

Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 2020.

vermont water quality standards

Produced by the Watershed Management Division of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. 2017.

Vermont Wetlands Functions & Values

A presentation given by Wetland Scientist Zapata Courage at LCA’s Annual Meeting. October 15, 2023. Download the file, then click on the small yellow squares in the upper left corner to see the text accompanying each slide.

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